
The stork is free, again!

The guys working in the Research Centre of the Padule Marshes land were indeed getting used to the young bird, when they made it for it to be free again: healed, willing to fly, willing to be free.

This gives just a little hint of the major work of saveguarding, of preserving the nature that the Research centre keeps doing since a while now: an exceptional variety of birds, plants and many other forms of life do live in this Marshland, and represents something to defend, something to fight for.

The Padule Marshes lies in that area between Fucecchio, Ponte Buggianese and Monsummano since an incredibly long time: it was even much much bigger before the imposing drains of the past centuries; it is part of our lives as inhabitants of this land, the Valley of the Nievole river (Valdinievole), to keep an eye on this heritage, and that’s what the Research Centre stands for.

But it’s about time to consider the Padule Marshes for his “flirting” side: it is an extraordinary turistic spot, when talking about cycling around Tuscany, seeking for wildlife nature, walking through preserved environments.

Indeed, if you mean to take a walk on this “wild side”, don’t forget to bring your field glasses.


Article by Adp

Images courtesy of Zone Umide Toscane/Padule